Academic Lessons from Video Game Learning

January 1st, 2010 - December 31st, 2010 | PROJECT

The proposed conference will bring together leading national and international researchers and practitioners from developmental and cognitive psychology, game design, and media to examine how learning transfers from video game play to formal and informal learning. The conference will convene in New York City and serve to lay the foundation for an interdisciplinary New York-based community of researchers and practitioners interested in examining the implications of video game play on learning. Invited participants will address cognitive skills and content knowledge that children and adolescents acquire and refine during video game play; game features that captivate and promote skills development among game players; and evidence of skill and content knowledge transfer from video game play to informal and formal learning. Discussion of these issues will culminate in specification of the most appropriate research agenda to investigate the academic potential of video game play, particularly using those games that children and adolescent players find most compelling. An edited book will be published of the conference proceedings. The audience for this book will be academics, educators, game designers, media professionals, and policymakers interested in understanding the potential of video game learning for formal and informal instruction based on the most current research and practice.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Team Members

Francine Blumberg, Principal Investigator, Fordham University


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 0921710
Funding Amount: 28825


Audience: Educators | Teachers | Museum | ISE Professionals | Scientists
Discipline: Education and learning science | Social science and psychology
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Conferences | Games | Simulations | Interactives | Media and Technology | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks