Four NSF AISL Projects Recognized in the 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase

2019 video showcase square

June 26th, 2019

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase was the largest yet with 242 videos submitted by federally funded projects aimed at improving science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and computer science (CS) education.

The annual, week-long event took place May 12–20, and 820 presenters and co-presenters engaged more than 45,000 members of the public from 157 countries in collegial discussions about the nature and impact of their work. Throughout the week, participants exchanged over 5,400 posts.

To recognize the videos that were most effective in conveying each project’s work, three types of awards were named—“Facilitators’ Choice,” “Presenters’ Choice,” and “Public Choice.” Below, watch the award-winning videos produced by projects funded by NSF’s Advancing Informal STEM Learning program!

Facilitators’ Choice

Each of the NSF-funded resource centers—CAISE, CADRE (Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education), CIRCL (Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning), CS for All Teachers, STELAR (STEM Learning and Research Center), and MSPnet (Math and Science Partnership Network)—asked facilitators from their respective communities to seed discussions and set a positive tone for constructive, collegial discourse. One NSF AISL project, PEEP Family Science, received the Facilitators’ Choice award based on the following criteria: 

  1. Creatively uses video to share work with a public audience.

  2. Provides an effective narrative that describes the problem which motivated the project.

  3. Effectively describes the intervention, innovation, or research.

  4. Addresses the impact of the project (on participants, or educational practice or research and theory, or on other stakeholders) and how impact has been/will be measured.

PEEP Family Science

  • Lead Presenter: Borgna Brunner, WGBH
  • Co-Presenter: Megan Silander, Education Development Center

Bringing Science Home with PEEP (now called PEEP Family Science) provides free, easy-to-use apps, in English and Spanish so that families who aren’t able to send their children to preschool have access to educational resources they can use at home. Award #1612643.

View the public discussion on the 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase website.

Presenters’ Choice

Presenters and co-presenters voted on the video presentations of their colleagues that they felt were “most meritorious.” 

Project TRUE

  • Lead Presenter: Jason Alosio, Wildlife Conservation Society
  • Co-Presenters: Rachel Becker-Klein, Two Roads Consulting; J. Clark and J.D. Lewis, Fordham University; and Karen Tingley, Wildlife Conservation Society

In Project TRUE (Teens Researching Urban Ecology), an immersive summer research mentoring program for New York City high school students, youth conduct urban ecology research under the mentorship of a near-peer undergraduate mentor. Award #1421017. CAISE spotlighted Project TRUE in 2015.

View the public discussion on the 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase website.

Public Choice

Showcase visitors and participants voted on their favorites by sharing or liking a presentation on Facebook or Twitter, or via an email ballot.


The iSWOOP project (Interpreters and Scientists Working On Our Parks) brings together scientists, educational researchers, and park rangers to increase STEM learning opportunities for national park visitors. Award #1514776. In a recent blog, iSWOOP reported on their generative symposium held at the 2018 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology annual meeting. 

View the public discussion on the 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase website.

Most Discussed, Generating 184 Posts

International Community for Collaborative Content Creation

  • Lead Presenter: Eric Hamilton, Pepperdine University
  • Co-Presenter: Danielle Espino, Pepperdine University

This project explores the intersection of learning, culture, and collaboration by providing an international, collaborative, and digital makerspace for students in the United States, Kenya, Finland, Namibia, Mexico, Iran, and India. Award #1612824.

[Video coming shortly.]

View the public discussion on the 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase website.