New Articles in the Knowledge Base

June 2nd, 2016

The Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) convened a one-day “Edit-a-Thon” on May 25, 2016 as a follow up to the Research Meeting on Making and Learning meeting held at the Children’s Museum of  Pittsburgh on May 23 & 24.  Building on the momentum and generative discussions at the maker research meeting, participants gathered to create new content for the Knowledge Base pages of the website and reflect together on how this resource, which provides streamlined access to findings and data on effective approaches and strategies, can become most useful for the informal STEM learning community while encouraging new community contributions and edits.

New articles generated at the Pittsburgh Edit-a-Thon include:

Are you interested in contributing to the Knowledge Base?  Contact to propose a new article topic, or to receive account permissions to edit and add to existing articles.