New Afterschool Matters Articles Added To Our Collection

December 10th, 2014

We recently added a number of articles from the current issue of Afterschool Matters to the collection. Afterschool Matters is a peer-reviewed publication of the National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST). The journal serves professionals who are developing, managing, and/or researching programs for youth that take place during the out-of-school time hours. Here’s a sample of what you’ll find in the latest issue: Developing out-of-school time science curricula? You will be interested in the approach to professional models discussed in Curriculum and Professional Development for OST Science Education: Lessons Learned from California 4-H Working towards long-term impact with young people? Be sure to read A Museum Program Enhances Girls’ STEM Interest, Motivation, and Persistence Lastly, you, too, will shout, “I discovered!” after reading Paper Copters and Potential: Leveraging Afterschool and Youth Development Trainers to Extend the Reach of STEM Programs Access all 130+ articles from Afterschool Matters in the Research library on