Forum On NARST Task Force Position Statement On The Next Generation Science Standards

August 23rd, 2013

The NGSS are a major policy effort likely to affect the work of all US-based science educators and researchers. NARST, the international organization for improving science teaching and learning through research, has commissioned position statement papers on the NGSS from the science education research community. Informal science education (ISE) is one of the eight topic areas selected for a position paper. CAISE Co-PI John Falk (Oregon State University) has been asked to author the ISE position paper, with co-authors Rena Dorph (Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley) and Jonathan Osborne (Stanford University). Beginning September 16, the authors will share a draft of the position paper and host an online forum discussion to gather feedback and input from the ISE field. To participate, please join the NARST Informal Education Position Statement On The NGSS group on Starting September 16 group members will be able to view and respond to the draft. Please note that in order to access the group, you must first join or login to and then request to join the NARST group. Once approved you will gain access to the draft and the online forum discussion area.