Growing Research Access for Nationally Transformation Equity and Diversity (GRANTED) Program Description Webinar

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Growing Research Access for Nationally Transformation Equity and Diversity (GRANTED) Team will host a webinar on May 24, 2023, 2-3pm EDT to discuss the new funding opportunity: 23-221Y GRANTED Program Description. The webinar will be recorded and posted, along with the presentation slide deck to the GRANTED website shortly following the … Read more

Public Engagement with Science: 4th Event in the AAAS Section Q Equity & Justice in Science Education Webinar Series

This is a 4-webinar series from the American Association for the Advancement of Science to engage with equity- and justice-based considerations, approaches, curricula, pedagogies, and actions for advancing progress in sciences and science education. The first webinar focused on Informal STEM Environments, the second on Communities and their Knowledges and the third on Engaging Non-STEM … Read more

Inclusion in STEM education and informal spaces – reflections on science

The STEM Education Hub, a project run by King’s College London and the British Council in Brazil, is hosting a roundtable discussion with experts in STEM education, equitable engagement, and informal STEM learning. The panelists will explore the potential and obstacles of inclusivity for individuals with disabilities across these fields and discuss challenges in building and enhancing their … Read more

Getting Started: Bringing Accessibility & Inclusion to Your Organization

All of the organizations in Educating All Learners Alliance are invested in supporting students with disabilities, but how do you continue to move the needle forward if your org’s expertise is not in the field of Special Education? Understanding accessibility and inclusion is a great place to start for orgs without specific Special Education expertise.  When … Read more

Disrupting Ableism and Advancing STEM: A National Leadership Summit

Although people with disabilities are the largest minority group in the United States, stigma and ableism continue to limit opportunities for disabled people to fully contribute to and be successful in the STEM ecosystem.  The public is invited to join National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine for a transformational set of conversations on Disrupting Ableism … Read more

Learn to be an Ally to Girls and Women in STEM

Research shows that men have a key role to play in the advancement of women in STEM. Join the National Girls Collaborative Project’s webinar to learn strategies and resources  that male parents, educators, and professionals can use to become effective allies to girls and women pursuing STEM! There is a growing need for male allies … Read more

Online Workshop: Take A Voyage through the Solar System with the NISE Network

The Network for Informal STEM Education (NISE) Network has a new physical kit with hands-on activities based on NASA’s continuing pursuit of human exploration of the Moon and Mars! The application is now open for the Explore Science: Voyage through the Solar System kit, which includes three new hands-on activities as well as training materials … Read more

Broadening Participation in STEM by Focusing on Identity Development

STEM for All’s theme and webinar for May will focus on identity development and its importance and relationship to persistence in STEM for underrepresented minorities. The projects highlighted will address challenges and barriers to identity development, illuminate best practices and disseminate impacts to advance the body of work in this area. Learn more and register.

NSF Workshop for NSF Directorate for STEM Education CAREER Applicants

A panel of current Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) principal investigators will be sharing their experiences in a virtual workshop. Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) intends to fund 4-12 CAREER awards each year. In addition to universities, non-profit, non-academic organizations may submit proposals, including independent museums, observatories, research labs, professional societies and similar organizations in the U.S. … Read more