Million Girls Moonshot Curriculum Development Opportunity

A burst of grey dots in a circle with a blue rocket shooting out from the center towards the upper right corner. Text beneath the image reads "Million Girls Moonshot."

May 30th, 2023, 11:00 pm - May 31st, 2023, 10:59 pm CDT
Host: Million Girls Moonshot

If you are leading a summer program with a STEM club or group with middle school girls/non-binary youth this year, you may be able to join a research project testing a new engineering and Social-Emotional Development curriculum as part of the Million Girls Moonshot initiative.

Project EDGE (Engagement and Development for Girls through Engineering) is testing and evaluating an afterschool curriculum that integrates engineering activities and socialemotional development for girls/female identifying youth with the goal of developing STEM identity and an Engineering Mindset. This work is being supported by a team of Afterschool/STEM researchers and curriculum experts.

Interested applicants:

  • Serve youth in grades 6-8 grade
  • Serve a minimum of 6-10 girls/female identifying youth (boys are welcome too!)
  • Have administrators and staff interested in working with EDGE researchers and curriculum experts
  • Have facilitators/leaders willing to participate in 2 hours of virtual EDGE training on June 6, 2023 noon-2 ET.
  • Will offer 5 sessions (75 minutes each) to test the EDGE curriculum in June-August 2023
  • Will work with researchers to collect data including surveys, engineering assessments and feedback interviews

Learn more about the opportunity. 

Applications are due by May 31st, 2023.