Director: Metcalf Institute

a navy shield with a white anchor inside a circle with navy outlining. Text reads "University of Rhode Island 1892" in navy

March 30th, 2023, 11:00 pm - June 30th, 2023, 10:59 pm CDT
Location: Kingston, Rhode Island
Host: Metclaf Institute (University of Rhode Island)

University of Rhode Island’s Metcalf Institute seeks a dynamic new leader to implement its mission and strategic priorities and expand its stature and impacts across the globe. Metcalf Institute advances informed, inclusive public conversations about environmental issues by conducting science training for journalists, communication training for scientists, and a variety of public programs. The new director will serve as the public face of the Institute to raise its national and international profile among potential collaborators, donors and funders and advance the Institute’s and the University’s strategic goals. 

Learn more and apply.