A Tool for Evaluating Youth Engagement in an Informal STEM Setting: The WGG Observation Protocol

December 1st, 2019 | EVALUATION

This paper discusses findings from the use of the Wise Guys and Gals (WGG) Observation of WGG Youth Protocol in a blended learning environment. The protocol was used to assess youth engagement when completing blended engineering design challenges at two Boys and Girls Clubs. WGG is a project funded through a grant from the National Science Foundation and which brings blended learning design challenges to middle school aged learners in informal STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) settings. This paper explores the feasibility of using the observation protocol to collect data about youth engagement, and the potential use of the protocol in other informal STEM settings.


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Team Members

Caterina Almendral, Author, City University of New York
Bernadette Uzzi, Author, Brookhaven National Laboratory
David Burghardt, Author, Hofstra University
Deborah Hecht, Author, City University of New York


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 1422436

Related URLs

A Tool for Evaluating Youth Engagement in an Informal STEM Setting: The WGG Observation Protocol
WISE Guys and Gals - Boys & Girls as WISEngineering STEM Learners


Audience: Educators | Teachers | Evaluators | Learning Researchers | Middle School Children (11-13) | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Education and learning science | Engineering
Resource Type: Conference Proceedings | Observation Protocol | Reference Materials | Research and Evaluation Instruments
Environment Type: Afterschool Programs | Public Programs