Teenage Designers of Learning Places for Children: Summative Evaluation

March 1st, 2010 | EVALUATION

The Learning Places evaluation went beyond the traditional approach of determining how well the project met its goals. In addition to that approach, we identified grounded theory. Five areas of theory and related hypotheses emerged: STEM learning, agents of change, teens as designers, community partner engagement and national collaboration. Each is described in detail in the full report, along with findings related to each of the project goals.



Team Members

Christine (Kit) Klein, Evaluator, Klein Consulting
St. Louis Science Center, Contributor


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 0515572
Funding Amount: 2012313

Related URLs

Teenage Designers of Learning Places for Children: Creating After-school Environments for STEM Education


Audience: Elementary School Children (6-10) | Evaluators | Middle School Children (11-13) | Museum | ISE Professionals | Youth | Teen (up to 17)
Discipline: Ecology | forestry | agriculture | Education and learning science | Life science | Physics | Technology
Resource Type: Evaluation Reports | Summative
Environment Type: Afterschool Programs | Museum and Science Center Programs | Public Programs