NASA@ My Library 2.0 Summative Evaluation Report for 2021-2022

March 17th, 2023 | EVALUATION

With funding from the NASA Science Mission Directorate’s (NASA SMD) Science Activation program, the Space Science Institute (SSI) launched NASA@ My Library in 2016. The vision of NASA@ My Library is to help public libraries increase NASA and STEM learning opportunities for library patrons throughout the U.S., including those in geographic areas and populations currently underserved in STEM education. The first five years of the project (from 2016-2020) are referred to as NASA@ My Library 1.0. In early 2021, the NASA@ My Library project team received funding from NASA SMD to continue its work for another two years (2021-2022).

Education Development Center (EDC) conducted the external evaluation of this second phase of NASA@ My Library. Library staff from partner libraries increased their confidence and ability to facilitate library programming related to Earth, space, and engineering. Library staff expressed a strong desire to continue offering, and in some cases expand, Earth and space science-related programming at their libraries in the future. The new near-peer SME model (training university students to serve as SMEs) helped a number of libraries reach patrons in new ways. Patrons reported that they enjoyed the NASA@ My Library programs they attended and that they learned about NASA science; a majority of patrons said they were interested in learning more about earth science, space science, or engineering. NASA@ My Library helped libraries engage new audiences, including those from communities who are underrepresented in STEM. Many patrons engaged in two online challenges for exploring the science behind the James Webb Space Telescope through books, videos, games, and hands-on activities related to Earth and space science.



Team Members

Ginger Fitzhugh, Author, Education Development Center
Jennifer Jocz, Author, Education Development Center
Carrie Liston, Author, Education Development Center
Jennifer Stiles, Author, Education Development Center


Funding Source: NASA
Funding Program: NASA Science Activation
Award Number: NNX16AE30A
Funding Amount: $800,000

Related URLs

NASA@ My Library


Access and Inclusion: English Language Learners | Ethnic | Racial | Low Socioeconomic Status | Rural | Women and Girls
Audience: Educators | Teachers | Evaluators | General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: General STEM | Space science
Resource Type: Evaluation | Evaluation Reports | Summative
Environment Type: Library Exhibits