Final Evaluation Report for Mentored Youth Building Employable Skills in Technology (MYBEST)

December 1st, 2006 | EVALUATION

The MyBEST (Mentoring Youth Building Employable Skills in Technology) project, funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation's Informal Science Education program, concluded its three years of operation in 2006. This youth-based program was intended to provide participants with in-depth learning experiences involving information and design technologies. These experiences had a dual focus: enabling youth participants to gain fluency in using these technologies while showing them how adults apply them in work and academic endeavors. Appendix includes survey.



Team Members

Elizabeth Xue, Evaluator, University of Minnesota

Related URLs

MyBEST: Mentored Youth Building Employable Skills in Technology


Access and Inclusion: Low Socioeconomic Status | Women and Girls
Audience: Educators | Teachers | Evaluators | Middle School Children (11-13) | Museum | ISE Professionals | Youth | Teen (up to 17)
Discipline: Education and learning science | Engineering | Technology
Resource Type: Evaluation Reports | Research and Evaluation Instruments | Survey
Environment Type: Community Outreach Programs | Laboratory Programs | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Professional Development and Workshops | Public Programs