June 25th, 2001 | EVALUATION
Using focus group methodology, exploratory research was carried out to assess the feasibility and viability of presenting to the public an on-going review of new findings or issues in major fields of science research. This study examines (1) the American public's current habits in receiving science information from media; (2) the public's awareness of and interest in broad areas of contemporary science research; and (3) the presentation formats and features most likely to appeal to and reach the public. A total of 128 adults participated in focus groups with 6-8 members per group in 6 nationally distributed sites. Focus group participants completed a questionnaire about demographics, regular media use and media that provided them with science content. Subsequently, for 30 minutes, respondents recalled any recent science news stories from any media, discussing content, media source and attractive presentation features. For a second 30 minutes, respondents rated their knowledge of and interest in a written list of ten major contemporary research areas in science and discussed reasons why two of those areas interested them the most. For a final 30 minutes, groups shared ideas about presentation formats and features that they felt would attract their interest and facilitate communication of science updates.
Team Members
Barbara Flagg, Principal Investigator, Multimedia ResearchFunders
Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE
Award Number: 0003893
Related URLs
Feasibility and Viability of Science Media Review Concept -- A Small Grant for Exploratory Research
Audience: Adults | Evaluators | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: General STEM
Resource Type: Audience Study | Evaluation Reports | Front-End
Environment Type: Broadcast Media | Media and Technology | Websites | Mobile Apps | Online Media