Bringing the Planetarium to Earth: Summative Evaluation of the Worldviews Network Project

October 1st, 2010 | EVALUATION

Summative evaluation of the Worldviews Network, a NOAA-funded project comprised of institutions trying to create an innovative approach for engaging the public with topics of human induced global change. The project's approach sought to 1) leverage the power of immersive environments within informal science institutions (ISIs), such as planetariums and portable domes, by 2) incorporating visualizations of scientific data sets about relevant social-ecological issues as they relate to "planetary boundaries," framed by 3) a systems-based narrative approach that incorporated cosmic, global, and local perspectives on the issues. More information about the Worldviews Network can be found at



Team Members

Jessica Sickler, Evaluator, Lifelong Learning Group
Donnelley (Dolly) Hayde, Evaluator, Lifelong Learning Group


Funding Source: NOAA
Award Number: NA10SEC0080011


Audience: Evaluators | General Public | Scientists
Discipline: Climate
Resource Type: Evaluation Reports | Summative
Environment Type: Media and Technology | Planetarium and Science on a Sphere