Designing and Evaluating Summer Camps: Further Reading

There are several articles on the subject of summer camps in a variety of journals. For example, Kong, Dabney, and Tai examine the relationship between students’ participation in science summer camps and their career interest in science and engineering across 5 states and include 1,580 students. Suggestions for further reading follow.

Ahrenkiel, L., & Worm-Leonhard, M. (2014). Offering a forensic science camp to introduce and engage high school students in interdisciplinary science topics. Journal of Chemical Education, 91(3), 340–344.

Bhattacharyya, S., Mead, T. P., & Nathaniel, R. (2011). The influence of science summer camp on African-American high school students’ career choices. School Science and Mathematics, 111(7), 345–353.

Dalgleish, H. S., & Veitch-Michaelis, J. L. (2019). Assessing the influence of one astronomy camp over 50 years. Nature Astronomy, 3(12), 1043–1047.

Gagnon, R. J., & Sandoval, A. (2020a). Pre-college stem camps as developmental context: Mediational relations between gender, career decidedness, socioemotional development, and engagement. Children and Youth Services Review, 108, 104584.

Gagnon, R. J., & Sandoval, A. (2020b). Pre-college stem camps as developmental context: Mediational relations between gender, career decidedness, socioemotional development, and engagement. Children and Youth Services Review, 108, 104584.

Ghadiri Khanaposhtani, M., Liu, C. J., Gottesman, B. L., Shepardson, D., & Pijanowski, B. (2018). Evidence that an informal environmental summer camp can contribute to the construction of the conceptual understanding and situational interest of STEM in middle-school youth. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 8(3), 227–249.

Griffin, K. R., Glasscock, S. N., Schwertner, T. W., Atchley, W., & Tarpley, R. S. (2016). Wildlife conservation camp: An Education and recruitment pathway for high school students? Wildlife Society Bulletin, 40(4), 643–653.

Houser, C., Garcia, S., & Torres, J. (2015). Effectiveness of Geosciences Exploration Summer Program (GEOX) for increasing awareness and knowledge of Geosciences. Journal of Geoscience Education, 63(2), 116–126.

Ivánková, P., Halakova, Z., & ÄŚolláková, D. (2022). The influence of a science camp experience on pupils motivating to study Natural Sciences. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 18(3), em2084. 

Kaplan-Sayı, A. (2017). Students’ views about enriched summer camp for high school students. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(11).

Kataržytė, M., Hille, S., & Terlecka, R. (2017). Promoting marine science: International science camp as a platform. Marine Policy, 84, 76–81.

Leblebicioglu, G., Abik, N. M., Capkinoglu, E., Metin, D., Dogan, E. E., Cetin, P. S., & Schwartz, R. (2017). Science camps for introducing nature of scientific inquiry through student inquiries in nature: Two applications with Retention Study. Research in Science Education, 49(5), 1231–1255.

Leblebicioglu, G., Metin, D., Capkinoglu, E., Cetin, P. S., Eroglu Dogan, E., & Schwartz, R. (2017). Changes in students’ views about nature of scientific inquiry at a science camp. Science & Education, 26(7–9), 889–917.

Leonard, J., Chamberlin, S. A., Johnson, J. B., & Verma, G. (2016). Social Justice, place, and Equitable Science Education: Broadening Urban Students’ opportunities to learn. The Urban Review, 48(3), 355–379.

Schwarz, G., Frenzel, W., Richter, W. M., Täuscher, L., & Kubsch, G. (2015). A multidisciplinary science summer camp for students with emphasis on environmental and analytical chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 93(4), 626–632.

Scott, C. M. (2013). The use of photo elicitation interviews in summer science programs to determine children’s perceptions of being a scientist. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 4(2), 147–171.

Smith-Palmer, T., Schnepf, S., Sherman, A., Sullenger, K. S., & Macdonald, L. (2015). An exploration of summer science camps as an informal learning environment. New Ground, 67–91.

Stewart, B. L., Schroeder, S., Goodson, C., Miertschin, S., & Chakraborty, M. (2021). Fashion content triggers STEM discovery via coding camps for middle school girls. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences, 113(3), 61–70.

Yanowitz, K. L. (2016). Students’ perceptions of the long-term impact of attending a “Csi science camp.” Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25(6), 916–928.