Poster – Be A Scientist!

February 29th, 2016 | RESEARCH

This poster was presented at the 2016 Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) PI Meeting held in Bethesda, MD on February 29-March 2. 'Be a Scientist!' is a full-scale development project that examines the impact of a scalable, STEM afterschool program which trains engineers to develop and teach inquiry-based Family Science Workshops (FSWs) in underserved communities.



Team Members

Tara Chklovski, Principal Investigator, Iridescent


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 1008309

Related URLs

Be a Scientist!


Access and Inclusion: Ethnic | Racial | Hispanic | Latinx Communities | Low Socioeconomic Status
Audience: Elementary School Children (6-10) | Evaluators | Families | Museum | ISE Professionals | Parents | Caregivers | Scientists | Undergraduate | Graduate Students
Discipline: Engineering
Resource Type: Conference Proceedings
Environment Type: Afterschool Programs | Higher Education Programs | Informal | Formal Connections | Public Programs