Summative Evaluation of Robots & Us

May 1st, 2005 | EVALUATION

This summative evaluation of the exhibition Robots & Us was designed to investigate how visitor audiences used and experienced this exhibition in relation to the project’s objectives and challenges. Visitors’ expectations and perceptions in relation to the project’s content goals prompted the summative evaluation to focus on specific challenges including: attitudes and perceptions about technology, connections between robots and people, appeal to a broad audience, and reactions to specific exhibits.



Team Members

Jeff Hayward, Evaluator, People Places & Design Research
Jolene Hart, Evaluator, People, Places & Design Research
Science Museum of Minnesota, Contributor


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 0104691
Funding Amount: 1881283

Related URLs

Cyborgs: A Natural History of Machines and Humans


Audience: Adults | Elementary School Children (6-10) | Evaluators | Families | General Public | Middle School Children (11-13) | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Education and learning science | Engineering | Life science | Nature of science | Technology
Resource Type: Evaluation Reports | Summative
Environment Type: Exhibitions | Museum and Science Center Exhibits