Design Based Implementation Research (DBIR) Webinar

November 20th, 2013

The Math and Science Partnership Network (MSPnet) Academy hosted a webinar on November 20th on Design Based Implementation Research (DBIR). The webinar, presented by William Penuel from the University of Colorado Boulder and Barry Fishman from the University of Michigan, has now been archived. In the webinar, Penuel and Fishman define DBIR, describe its main principles, and present examples of DBIR from their own research. In addition, they identify key opportunities and challenges to developing DBIR as an interdisciplinary approach to research on interventions for learning that support systemic change.

The archived webinar recording may be viewed on the MSPnet site. Penuel has also published a paper on this topic in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Large-scale science education intervention research we can use, that was cited as being a useful resource in NSF’s most recent Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program solicitation.