2023 NSF AISL Awardee Meeting: Sessions Descriptions

This page provides information about the sessions taking place during the 2023 AISL Awardee Meeting. These do not include the concurrent session descriptions.

So You Got a Grant, Now What? What Awardees Need to Know About Managing Grants

Speakers: NSF Division of Grants and Agreements (DGA) staff: Tracy Shields, Grants Management Specialist; Angela Turner, Team Lead (acting); Denise Martin, Branch Chief

Session Description: Managing an NSF grant can be both exciting and daunting.  This session introduced new PIs–and digs deeper for established PIs—into the key components of NSF grants management. This session specifically addressed: (1) the roles and functions of PIs, SROs, POs, and DGA grant specialists; (2) the actions that require notifications and/or approvals; (3) things that cause delays in grant processing; (4) resources for PIs; and (5) Q&A, so bring your grant management questions.

Welcome Session: Introducing REVISE and Welcome from NSF

Speakers: REVISE team,  AISL POs and staff, and Monya Ruffin, NSF/EDU/DRL Division Director (acting)

Session description: The REVISE team gave their opening remarks and a non-land acknowledgement for those attending. As the acting division director of DRL and a former AISL PO, Dr. Ruffin welcomed participants and share insights and priorities of NSF/EDU/DRL, which includes the AISL program.

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Closing Town Hall: From Equity to Justice

Speaker: Stephen Alkins, REVISE/TERC

Description: Despite well-intentioned efforts and years of working toward systemic change in STEM equity, widespread improvements have not been realized due to numerous reasons: lack of leadership buy-in, equity stalling (not knowing where to begin the equity journey as an organization or individual), lack of spaces dedicated to critical self-reflection, learning and dialogue, defining equity as a product and not a process of mindset shifts, and more.  This discussion summarized principles of liberatory design, audition pain points of organizational change from attendees, and encourage critical thinking about the REVISE Center should be leveraging liberatory praxis to support systemic change that addresses the complexities of power dynamics and disrupting inequities in informal STEM education, and STEM education more broadly.

NSF Directorate of STEM Education (EDU) and Equity: Current and Future Directions

Speakers: James Moore, III, NSF EDU Assistant Director

Session description: Dr. Moore led the NSF Directorate for STEM education. He shared insights on current & future directions for STEM education and equity at NSF.

Session Slides

NSF, NOAA, IMLS, Technical Sessions

Title: NSF Future Funding Opportunities that Connect to Informal STEM Education

Speakers: Helen J. Wechsler, Supervisory Grants Management Specialist, Office of Museum Services, IMSL,  Carrie McDougall, Senior Program Manager, NOAA

Session description: Attendees learned about other federal funding opportunities for informal STEM education. Staff from the Institute for Museum & Library Services (IMLS) & the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shared insights into their agency’s funding priorities.