2023 NSF AISL Awardee Meeting: REVISING the Conversation on Equity in ISE


The 2023 NSF Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program Awardee Meeting was held December 6-8, 2023 at the Hilton Arlington National Landing in Arlington, Virginia. The 2023 theme was REVISING the Conversation on Equity in ISE.

A biennial event since 2008, the meeting is a convening of projects funded by the NSF AISL program. This community comes together to share goals, process, progress, challenges, and opportunities of their work. As an “awardee” meeting, we invite project community partners in addition to project principal investigators (PIs). This is part of the ongoing work of the AISL program and REVISE to be more visible to, learn from, and support, community partners.

Read the REVISE Team’s reflections following the awardee meeting.

Learn about the process that the REVISE Team took to select a photographer.

See previous NSF AISL Awardee meetings