Strategies and Insights into Evaluation Plans for NSF ATE Proposals

Evaluation is an essential part of a successful grant proposal, particularly in the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education (NSF ATE) program. In this webinar, attendees will gain an understanding of the essential elements of an evaluation plan and learn how to integrate evaluation throughout other elements of your proposal. The webinar will explore practical … Read more

Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA Resources in Action Webinar

The Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA program, part of NASA’s Universe of Learning, provides resources and experiences that enable youth, families, and lifelong learners to explore fundamental questions in astrophysics, experience how science is done, and discover the universe for themselves. Join NGCP for this exciting webinar to hear directly from this year’s 2023 GSAWN stipend … Read more

Contemporary Issues in Science Communications Series Launch

Bristol University Press are hosting an online launch for the book series Contemporary Issues in Science Communication. Join the series editor Clare Wilkinson and authors Tara Roberson and Elizabeth Rasekoala in a conversation about the first two books in the series: Queering Science Communication – Representations, Theory, and Practice – Edited by Lindy A. Orthia and Tara … Read more

How Does Mentoring Impact Diversity in the Biomedical and Behavioral Research Workforce?

Successful mentoring relationships can positively impact the career trajectory of researchers across the talent cycle. This is particularly important for attracting and retaining diverse talent from underrepresented groups. Studies show that many factors contribute to successful mentorship experiences in scientific settings. In this seminar, a panel of experts will discuss the latest data, theoretical frameworks … Read more

NSF Webinar for Dear Colleague Letter (NSF 23-115): Advancing Microelectronics Education

The National Science Foundation published NSF 23-115, “Advancing Microelectronics Education” in May 2023 in response to the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 (CHIPS Act). This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) encourages submission of proposals for projects that will excite, motivate and prepare students for participation in the microelectronics industry, in both formal and informal settings. The DCL … Read more

The Possibilities of Open Science: White House Listening Sessions with Early Career Researcher Communities

Open science has the potential to unlock a world of possibilities: spurring discovery and equitable innovation, bolstering public trust, democratizing access to research, and strengthening evidence-based decision making. These possibilities place open science at the heart of Biden-Harris Administration priorities – from curbing greenhouse gas emissions to reducing social inequalities to ending cancer as we … Read more

Making Climate Advocacy More Accessible

Climate change is a global challenge that requires collective action from diverse communities, technical teams, journalists, as well as environmental program, policy and design professionals. However, many global climate initiatives are not accessible to persons with disabilities, leading to exclusion and marginalization. The Victor Pineda Foundation / World Enabled and their partners are pleased to … Read more

Online Workshop: Activating Outdoor Spaces – Pocket Parks, Pollinator Gardens, and More!

During this workshop, attendees will learn about successful strategies for using their outdoor space to engage meaningfully with audiences of all ages, while also integrating sustainability practices. Presenters will share their tips and experience around creating garden spaces, pocket parks, enhanced trails, revitalized outdoor areas by removing invasive species, and much more. Join and discover … Read more

Implementing Accessibility: Learning from South Carolina Department of Education

May 18, 2023 is Global Accessibility Awareness Day. The Office of Educational Technology (OET) and the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) are partnered to host a webinar in honor of Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Join the webinar to hear from the South Carolina’s Department of Education staff. Learn from them how you can implement accessibility initiatives for your staff, educators, and … Read more