Serve As An AISL Proposal Reviewer

Reviewing is an important service to the informal STEM learning field and great professional development to understanding the AISL solicitation. Additional advantages include understanding the NSF Merit Review process and writing strong proposals.

AISL is currently (and always) looking for proposal reviewers. This NSF merit review page provides a detailed description of the process. Understanding this process is central to conducting proposal reviews.

If you are interested in serving as a reviewer for the AISL program, email a resume or CV, as well as a paragraph about your expertise to AISL asks for a paragraph about your expertise because sometimes a resume and CV doesn’t necessarily highlight your full experience. Please include your experience with informal STEM contexts and topics, age groups and communities/audiences/professionals, theories and methods in terms of practice and/or research. If you are a PI or co-PI on a Jan. 18, 2022 AISL submission, or had any direct and substantial involvement in a proposal, you have a conflict of interest and are not eligible to review this round.

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