2022 AISL-Funded Projects


January 16th, 2023

The National Science Foundation’s Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program has recently awarded funding to a wide range of projects. The AISL Program funds five types of projects: (1) Synthesis; (2) Conference; (3) Partnership Development and Planning; (4) Integrating Research and Practice; and (5) Research in Support of Wide-reaching Public Engagement with STEM. You can also use our advanced search function to sort by audience type, disciplinary content, and other tags of interest.


Women in Natural Sciences: A Longitudinal Comparative Case Study of Black Women in STEMM (1995-2015)


Advancing the Conversation on Scaling National Informal STEM Programs

A conference to encourage and support women creating and distributing STEM media

Conference on Human-Centered Approaches to Artificial Intelligence Literacy in Informal Learning

Integrating Research and Practice

Building Supports Towards a Useful, Usable, and In-Use Framework of Professional Competencies in the Informal STEM Learning Field

Data Science Exhibits: Developing Theoretical Grounding and Practical Guidance for Museum Practitioners

Partnership Development and Planning

Broadening participation, building STEM competencies, and strengthening identity formation through cross-cultural and international collaboration in project-based learning

Collaborative Research: Establishing a Network and Framework for Informal STEM Education for Youth in Native Communities

Collaborative Research: Investigating the Most Impactful Culturally-responsive Informal Pedagogical Practices for STEM Afterschool Programs Engaging Marginalized Youth

Collaborative Research: Learning In and From the Environment through Multiple Ways of Knowing (LIFEways)

Exploratory research and co-design to identify opportunities to support caregiver engagement in early STEM learning

Outgoing IAA: Improving the Coordination and Effectiveness of Youth Programs

A Participatory Design Investigation of the Relationship between Program Setting and Science Identity Development

Research in Support of Wide-reaching Public Engagement with STEM

AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (2022-2027)

Addressing historic and systemic racial inequities: Coeur d’Alene land-based STEM education

Advancing Public Engagement with Science across the Long-Term Ecological Research Network

BRITE Girls Online STEM Practices: Building Relevance and Identity to Transform Experiences

Data Science Learning Experiences for Middle School-aged Girls in Informal Gaming Clubs

Developing and Studying a Three hour Documentary Series and Live Game Streaming Showing the Relationship of Engineering to the Everyday Built World

Engaging Rural, Latinx Youth in an After School Program That Integrates Design Thinking, Making and Math

Expanding Activities for Outdoor, Nature Situated Making

The Expansion of a Mobile Making Project That Engages Underserved Youth Across California in STEM

Fostering AI Literacy through Embodiment and Creativity across Informal Learning Spaces

Instrument Development: Racially & Ethnically Minoritized Youths’ Varied Out-Of-School-Time Experiences and Their Effects on STEM Attitudes, Identity, and Career Interest

Investigating the impact of youth’s inductive exploration of local technologies featured in Indigenous stories on their engagement, self-efficacy, and persistence in STEM

Mathematizing, Visualizing, and Power (MVP): Appalachian Youth Becoming Data Artists for Community Learning

Polar STEAM: Where Curiosity Thrives

Promoting Math in Young Children: Leveraging pediatric clinics to reach underrepresented children in rural communities

Reimagining Equity: An Informal STEM Learning Equity Resource Center

Research to Understand and Inform the Impacts of Ambient and Designed Sound on Informal STEM Learning

REU Site: STEM Education Research through a Social Justice Lens

SCC-IRG Track 1: Enabling Smart Cities in Coastal Regions of Environmental and Industrial Change: Building Adaptive Capacity through Sociotechnical Networks on the Texas Gulf Coast

SCC-IRG Track 1 Designing Smart, Sustainable Risk Reduction in Hazard-Prone Communities: Modeling Risk Across Scales of Time and Space

STEM Pathways for Rural Youth: Developing STEM Identity Through the Outdoors

Using media and technology to advance public awareness of research on microscopic larvae in the deep ocean

Using storytelling and a justice oriented STEM after-school club as critical tools for cultivating African American youths’ STEM identities

Youth Engaging in the Science of Resilience: Sensing the Environment and Envisioning Solutions