Roots of Wisdom: Reflections and Ideas about Collaboration with Integrity

August 24th, 2016 | RESEARCH

Reflections and Ideas about Collaboration with Integrity explores the work Generations of Knowledge: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Science (National Science Foundation DRL-1010559), a six-year collaborative project between OMSI and Native partners from diverse tribes, cultures, and ecoregions that co-created traveling exhibits and programs for science and tribal museums. This legacy document reflects on and shares what we learned on this journey, including our detours and course corrections. The legacy document strongly reflects the work of the whole project both in its content and in its collaborative development. It features contributions from 23 members of the project team, including the reflections of 16 external partners from over ten different Native cultures. It captures the project team’s stories, experiences, and insights about bridging Indigenous knowledge and informal science education.



Team Members

Victoria Coats, Principal Investigator, Oregon Museum of Science & Industry
Cecilia Nguyen, Co-Principal Investigator, Oregon Museum of Science & Industry
Molly Schmitz, Project Manager, Oregon Museum of Science & Industry
Jaclyn Barber, Contributor, Oregon Museum of Science & Industry
Tim Hecox, Contributor, Oregon Museum of Science & Industry
Marilyn Johnson, Contributor, Oregon Museum of Science & Industry
Kyrie Thompson Kellett, Contributor, Oregon Museum of Science & Industry
Tim Steeves, Contributor, Oregon Museum of Science & Industry
Leah Gibson (Oglala Lakota), Editor, Native American Youth & Family Center
David Begay Diné [Navajo]), Co-Principal Investigator, Indigenous Education Institute
Inez Bill (Tulalip/Lummi), Contributor, Hibulb Cultural Center and Natural History Preserve
Karen Kitchen (Osage), Contributor, Title VII Indian Education Program for Portland Public Schools
Katherine Krile, Contributor, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service
Herb Lee, Jr. (Hawaiian), Contributor, Pacific American Foundation & Waikalua Loko Fishpond Preservation Society
VerlieAnn Malina-Wright (Hawaiian), Contributor, Kula Kaiapuni ‘O Anuenue Hawaiian Language Immersion School, Pacific American Foundation & Waikalua Loko Fishpond Preservation Society
Nancy Maryboy (Cherokee/Diné [Navajo]), Co-Principal Investigator, Indigenous Education Institute
Randall Melton (Seminole/CTUIR), Contributor, Tamástslikt Cultural Institute
Wenix Red Elk (CTUIR), Contributor, Department of Natural Resources, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
David Cozzo, Contributor, Revitalization of Traditional Cherokee Artisan Resources
Vicki Cruz (Cherokee), Contributor, Qualla Arts and Crafts Mutual
Deana Dartt (Chumash), Contributor, Portland Art Museum
Jill Stein, Evaluator, Lifelong Learning Group
Shelly Valdez (Laguna Pueblo), Evaluator, Native Pathways
Pamela Woodis (Jicarilla Apache), Contributor, Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian
Tessa Campbell (Tulalip), Contributor, Hibulb Cultural Center and Natural History Preserve


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: Advancing Informal Science Learning (AISL)
Award Number: DRL-1010559
Funding Amount: $298,048

Related URLs

Roots of Wisdom
Generations of Knowledge: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Science


Access and Inclusion: Indigenous and Tribal Communities
Audience: Families | General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Ecology | forestry | agriculture | General STEM | Social science and psychology
Resource Type: Report | Research
Environment Type: Community Outreach Programs | Museum and Science Center Programs