Search Results – Website Pages

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The Annual Survey of Museum-Goers, conducted in partnership between Wilkening Consulting and the American Alliance of Museums, provides your museum with a cost-effective way to gain insight into your visitors and compare your institution to others in your locale, of similar type, and the museum field writ large. By participating in the Annual Survey of ... Read more
DATE: October 25th, 2023

Join the largest, most recognized, and comprehensive global convening for after school, expanded learning, and in and out-of-school time professionals. Set in a retreat-like atmosphere, this annual, extraordinary event will rejuvenate your passion, boost your direction for quality programming and provide tools and resources that will inspire you to create change. Learn more and register.
DATE: February 6th, 2024

The Folklore and Science Section of the American Folklore Society invites submissions for the 2024 Folklore and Science Prizes. The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2024. Folklore and Science Prizes are awarded to presentation-length papers (approximately 10 pages of text), focusing on the boundaries, intersections, and interdisciplinary exchanges between folklore and science. Before submitting, individuals are encouraged to: ... Read more
DATE: May 31st, 2024

Join inclusive leaders from across the disciplines who are dedicated to creating a diverse talent pipeline.  See the conference details below. What is unique about GlobalMindED Annual Event? 73% diverse speakers Attendees are majority diverse leaders and allies who champion inclusive leadership Audiences from all backgrounds make up each Equity lens First Gen and diverse ... Read more
DATE: January 2nd, 2024

  The 6th Annual STEM Summer Institute is a one-of-a-kind, Montana-made showcase for STEM integration across all grades and subject areas. You’ll enjoy exemplary K-12 STEM instruction and resources, inspiring national speakers, and the best of Montana! The interactive agenda is designed to help educators: PLAN STEM learning environments using tools, strategies, and models to motivate and encourage ... Read more
DATE: February 15th, 2024

U.S. students in grades 6-12 are invited to craft a STEM project that tackles a real-world challenge.  Create a PDF presentation about your project, keeping it to 3 pages maximum with a minimum of 12-point font. You may include text and images to explain your ideas, but no faces or names in your PDF. Your project ... Read more
DATE: October 25th, 2023

The National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS), in partnership with Climate Adaptation Planning and Analytics (CAPA) Strategies, will accept domestic and international applications for the 2024 NIHHIS-CAPA Urban Heat Island mapping campaigns.  The deadline for applications is 5PM ET on January 31, 2024.  Learn more and apply.
DATE: January 2nd, 2024

The SciComm Identities Project (SCIP) Fellowship is a one-year professional development opportunity for pre-tenure faculty at U.S. institutions who identify as underrepresented racial or ethnic minorities. The Fellowship will have a different thematic focus in each of its three one-year cohorts. Each of these foci relates, broadly, to climate change. SCIP Fellows will gain science communication ... Read more
DATE: July 28th, 2023

On April 5-6, 2023, Morehead Planetarium and Science Center hosted the inaugural Science for All Summit at the Friday Conference Center in Chapel Hill, NC. We look forward to hosting the second annual Science for All Summit on February 28-29, 2024. The Summit is a community convening to advance inclusion, diversity, equity, and access (IDEA) in the fields ... Read more
DATE: September 22nd, 2023

Join the 2024 STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice (SLECoP) convening to enact Access in Action. Each year SLECoP gathers passionate changemakers in STEM to tackle challenges, build community and catalyze change.
DATE: May 21st, 2024

21st Century Learning in Natural History Settings Forum: An overview of contributed resources for the learning research agenda and field. This online forum was a continuation of the 21st Century Learning in Natural History Settings project. A key component of the project was the 21st Century Learning in Natural History Settings Conference, held at ... Read more
DATE: November 20th, 2015

The 28th NSF Estab­lished Program to Stim­u­late Com­pet­i­tive Research (EPSCoR) National Conference welcomes project researchers, students, and staff from 28 EPSCoR jurisdictions.
DATE: May 21st, 2024

Beginning in the Fall, offered in partnership with over 50 non-profit organizations, this course serves to support participants in deepening their understanding of Indigenous knowledge and perspectives while strengthening connections with the local Land and supporting more respectful, reciprocal relationships. Early Bird Registration Closes June 30 Learn more and register.
DATE: June 18th, 2024

We asked scientists who have previous experience working on science communication (SciComm), public engagement, and informal STEM education (ISE) projects to weigh in on what they would wish they had known before working and collaborating with the SciComm and ISE sectors. Here are five things they recommended for scientists new to SciComm or ISE or for those partnering with scientists or science organizations ... Read more
DATE: March 8th, 2022

This Call to Action was originally posted by Laura Petes and Sarah Hubbard to the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP) blog. America’s students need access to the latest information, knowledge, and skills in order to be prepared for the jobs of the future. This means continually ensuring that citizens of all ... Read more
DATE: November 23rd, 2015

Informal learning institutions often have goals of reaching underserved and underrepresented audiences, as well as soliciting user feedback about their venues and programs. Unfortunately, sometimes community members do not feel welcome in certain institutions or may not even know they exist. Working closely with public libraries across the country, the STAR Library Network (STAR Net) ... Read more
DATE: July 27th, 2018

This blog post was originally posted to UpNext, the official blog of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Susan Hildreth is the Director of IMLS. Quality STEM education is important for the nation as a whole and for individual citizens. A robust and capable STEM workforce is crucial to United States competitiveness. Research ... Read more
DATE: November 20th, 2015

The Evidence Quality and Reach Hub (EQR) is offering a free, three-part virtual listening series to bring together and learn from peers in the STEM researcher community, particular those from underrepresented groups and/or from minority serving institutions.   This listening series will focus on exploring the challenges faced by STEM researchers from underrepresented groups and/or from minority serving ... Read more
DATE: February 8th, 2024

Gonzalo Peñaloza was the lead author on this blog, with contributions from Lina Quijano, Sigrid Falla, and Sara Márquez. The blog is excerpted from a Spanish-language article in NÓMADAS, a publication of the Instituto de Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos, Universidad Central in Bogotá, Colombia. All authors are staff members of Maloka. Lina, Sara, and Gonzalo are ... Read more
DATE: July 30th, 2019

Laura Martin is a Senior Advisor for the Arizona Science Center. Photo courtesy of the Discovery Center Museum in Rockford, IL. Hands-on activities, as opposed to thumbs-on, seem to be dwindling in our homes and schools. But our science centers still offer this type of interaction (although they also reach out through online services and tech-based ... Read more
DATE: October 31st, 2019

I. The Research Agenda Process This research agenda is a living document, constructed in response to on-going field-wide conversations following the 21st Century Natural History Settings Conference at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. At the conference, natural history professionals explored new directions for museums and other natural history institutions, including zoos, aquaria, botanical gardens, ... Read more
DATE: November 20th, 2015

John Besley is Associate Professor and Ellis N. Brandt Chair in Public Relations in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences at Michigan State University. Dr. Besley studies how views about decision-makers and decision processes affect perceptions of science and technology (S&T) with potential health or environmental impacts. This focus includes consideration of both mediated exposure ... Read more
DATE: May 16th, 2016

YAKANAL engages Indigenous youth in cultural exchanges and cultural preservation programs of local impact, offering unique opportunities to share rich cultures and traditional knowledge. The program brings together multi-generational groups of Pueblo participants from New Mexico with Maya, Zapotec, Mixtec, and other Indigenous groups from Latin America to engage them in immersive cultural exchange experiences. ... Read more
DATE: February 20th, 2024

In the informal science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education (ISE) community, we might have different levels of awareness or knowledge of logic models, and that is okay. There are those who might not have heard of logic models, or have heard of them in bits of conversation with respect to proposal writing. I first ... Read more
DATE: October 5th, 2016

Introduction Although science museums are making efforts to become more inclusive and relevant, they are still not for everyone. Some people would never consider visiting one, even if they pass by it daily (Dawson, 2014). Many factors feed into this feeling (e.g., systemic racism and bias that make science museums irrelevant to many, architecture that belittles nonwhite guests). But ... Read more
DATE: February 9th, 2022