Poster – Children Investigating Science with Parents and Afterschool (CHISPA)

March 1st, 2016 | RESEARCH

This poster was presented at the 2016 Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) PI Meeting held in Bethesda, MD on February 29-March 2. CHISPA is a national network of science museums and afterschool programs affiliated with ASPIRA and National Council of La Raza (NCLR), working together to build stronger communities and increase the engagement of Hispanic children and their families with science and local science resources. The project period is October 2013 through September 2017.



Team Members

Cheryl Juarez, Principal Investigator, Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 1323516

Related URLs

Children Investigating Science with Parents and Afterschool (CHISPA)


Access and Inclusion: English Language Learners | Ethnic | Racial | Hispanic | Latinx Communities
Audience: Elementary School Children (6-10) | Evaluators | Families | Museum | ISE Professionals | Parents | Caregivers
Discipline: Education and learning science | General STEM
Resource Type: Conference Proceedings | Reference Materials
Environment Type: Afterschool Programs | Community Outreach Programs | Museum and Science Center Programs | Public Programs