Informal STEM DACUM Competency Profiles: Verification Report

May 1st, 2017 | RESEARCH

This project asks the question: are there duties and tasks consistent across job descriptions of those who work in informal science learning institutions, and do those duties and tasks change over the course of a career? This is being done to critically look at professional development for science and technology centers and think critically about the career path needs of people, rather than focusing on job specific skills. Using literature and experience, the project team had in the proposal identified the stages as early career (0-3 years as a science-related museum professional), mid-career (4-10 years), and mature (11+ years). Three cities were identified for hosting one of the three career-stage panels: New York City with host American Museum of Natural History for early career-stage; Berkeley with host Lawrence Hall of Science; and Columbus with host COSI. For each site, six institutions were initially approached to ask for one or two staff members who were “expert at being in a science museum” at the specific stage of career. Once nominated, individuals were then approached with explicit information about what the process would entail and informing them that the choice to participate was freely their own. If an institution could not send participants, other institutions were approached until the panel had reached 12 committed individuals.



Team Members

Justin Meyer, Author, Lifelong Learning Group, COSI
Joe E Heimlich, Principal Investigator, Lifelong Learning Group, COSI


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 1514884
Funding Amount: $133,541.00

Related URLs

Collaborative Research: An Evidence-based Informal STEM Learning (ISL) Professional Framework


Audience: Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: General STEM
Resource Type: Reference Materials | Report
Environment Type: Museum and Science Center Programs | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Professional Development and Workshops | Public Programs