Building Broader Knowledge: Supporting Children’s Active, Outdoor Science Exploration in Urban Environments

May 6th, 2018 | RESEARCH

This report looks across multiple phases of work to discuss the PLUM Rx project’s contribution to broader knowledge about supporting children’s active, outdoor science exploration in informal, urban settings. The PLUM LANDING Explore Outdoors Toolkit that resulted from this work is designed for use by outdoor prescription programs and a broad range of informal education programs serving urban children and families. This report describes (1) the rationale for the design principles that guided Toolkit development, (2) the Toolkit components developed in accordance with the design principles; and (3) key findings about the ways in which the integration of the design principles served to support urban children’s engagement in informal, active, outdoor environmental science learning.



Team Members

Marisa Wolsky, Principal Investigator, WGBH
Mary Haggerty, Co-Principal Investigator, WGBH
Jessica Andrews, Project Manager, WGBH
Marion Goldstein, Author, EDC
Lisa Famularo, Author, EDC
Jamie Kynn, Author, EDC
Elizabeth Pierson, Author, EDC


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 1516466
Funding Amount: $2,989,723.00

Related URLs

PLUM RX: Researching a new pathway for bringing active science exploration to urban families


Access and Inclusion: Urban
Audience: Educators | Teachers | Elementary School Children (6-10) | Families | Learning Researchers | Museum | ISE Professionals | Parents | Caregivers
Discipline: Ecology | forestry | agriculture | Education and learning science | General STEM | Life science
Resource Type: Reference Materials | Report
Environment Type: Broadcast Media | Media and Technology | Park | Outdoor | Garden Programs | Public Programs | Websites | Mobile Apps | Online Media