2019 AISL PI Meeting Poster: How can we expand the way we design for emotion in informal learning?

February 12th, 2019 | RESEARCH

This poster shares an example of how the project team for the Developing Guidelines for Designing Challenging and Rewarding Interactive Science Exhibits has been applied design principles to support the emotional state of productive struggle in an interactive science museum exhibit. It discusses the three stages of productive struggle (emotional disequilibrium, persistence, and productivity), puts those in an applied context, and discusses the team's research methods which include a combination of self-report and biometric measures.



Team Members

Katie Todd, Author, Museum of Science, Boston
Christine Reich, Principal Investigator, Museum of Science, Boston
Gabrielle Schlichtmann, Co-Principal Investigator, EdTogether
Samantha Daley, Co-Principal Investigator, University of Rochester
Elizabeth Kollmann, Co-Principal Investigator, Museum of Science, Boston
Jose Blackorby, Co-Principal Investigator, CAST


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 1612577
Funding Amount: $1,802,876

Related URLs

Developing Guidelines for Designing Challenging and Rewarding Interactive Science Exhibits


Audience: Evaluators | General Public | Learning Researchers | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Education and learning science | Nature of science
Resource Type: Conference Proceedings | Reference Materials
Environment Type: Exhibitions | Museum and Science Center Exhibits