Worldviews Network: Ecological Literacy Programming for Digital Planetariums and Beyond

October 1st, 2010 - October 31st, 2011 | PROJECT

The Worldviews Network - a collaboration of institutions that have pioneered Earth systems research, education and evaluation methods - is creating innovative approaches for engaging the American public in dialogues about human-induced global changes. Leveraging the power of immersive scientific visualization environments at informal science centers across the US, we are developing transformative educational processes that integrate the benefits of visual thinking, systems thinking, and design thinking. This "seeing, knowing, doing" approach empowers educators with tools and techniques that help audiences to visualize, comprehend, and address complex issues from a whole-systems perspective. The Worldviews Network will make explicit the interconnections of Earth's life support systems across time and space as well as inspire community participation in design processes by providing real-world examples of successful projects that are increasing the healthy functioning of regional and global ecosystems.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Team Members

Ka Chun Yu, Principal Investigator, Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Ryan Wyatt, Principal Investigator, California Academy of Sciences


Funding Source: NOAA
Funding Program: 2010 - Environmental Literacy Grants for Informal/Nonformal Science Education
Award Number: NA10SEC0080011
Funding Amount: $941,586

Funding Source: NOAA
Funding Program: 2010 - Environmental Literacy Grants for Informal/Nonformal Science Education
Award Number: NA10SEC0080017
Funding Amount: $311,847


Audience: General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Climate | Ecology | forestry | agriculture | Geoscience and geography
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Media and Technology | Planetarium and Science on a Sphere | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Resource Centers and Networks