A Conference on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Citizen Science

September 15th, 2021 - August 31st, 2022 | PROJECT

This project will draft a framework to guide citizen science projects in addressing issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). Citizen science, sometimes called community science, involves volunteers who use science research procedures to collect valid scientific data for research projects and who often learn much about science in the process. These projects contribute directly to scientific research and often collect data of direct relevance to many communities. Although there are millions of citizen science volunteers, only a small proportion come from marginalized communities. The project will host a series of six, half-day virtual (online) workshops with scholars and practitioners with deep understanding of the participatory sciences and issues related to EDI. Workshop participants will discuss topics relevant to preparing a framework to provide guidance for integrating support EDI practices in citizen science. The project will disseminate the framework and workshop recommendations through publications for researchers and practitioners, a new website that will serve as a hub for relevant resources and EDI professional development, blogposts, and webinars.

This project will focus on EDI issues in institution-led, large-scale, citizen science projects. The project will organize workshops addressing issues relating to: (1) designing multipurpose projects that can be useful for empowering communities with data addressing community needs, providing researchers a large and robust data set, and providing learners with opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of research; (2) developing diverse leadership and engaging marginalized communities in framing research priorities; and (3) supporting strategies across citizen science projects to address barriers to participation, identity professional development needs, and create inclusive models that foster trust, create supportive networks, and build capacity for EDI in citizen science. The workshop will include approximately 20 participants, including researchers, project leaders and practitioners, with a majority of workshop participants belonging to groups underrepresented in science, such as Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous people.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Team Members

Caren Cooper, Principal Investigator, North Carolina State University


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL)
Award Number: 2139265
Funding Amount: $74,947


Access and Inclusion: Black | African American Communities | Ethnic | Racial | Hispanic | Latinx Communities | Indigenous and Tribal Communities
Audience: General Public | Learning Researchers | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: General STEM
Resource Type: Project Descriptions | Projects
Environment Type: Citizen Science Programs | Conferences | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Public Programs