SciGirls in Space: Exploring the Moon, Mars and NASA Careers Front End Evaluation

March 8th, 2020 | EVALUATION

The SciGirls in Space Front End Evaluation included surveys with project advisors, girls and families about the nature and extent of partner program offerings to help inform production of media and use of media in outreach. Question 1: To what extent do advisors, girls and their family members find the girls and professionals featured in the (existing) episodes and role model videos to be effective role models? Question 2: To what extent do they find episode topics and stories relevant to their everyday lives? 



Team Members

Hilarie Davis, Evaluator, Technology for Learning


Funding Source: NASA
Funding Program: TEAM II
Award Number: 80NSSC19M0157
Funding Amount: $749,811


Access and Inclusion: Women and Girls
Audience: Evaluators | Middle School Children (11-13) | Museum | ISE Professionals | Parents | Caregivers
Discipline: Space science
Resource Type: Evaluation Reports | Front-End
Environment Type: Broadcast Media | Media and Technology | Websites | Mobile Apps | Online Media