2023 AISL Awardee Mini-Poster: 1906396

December 6th, 2023 | RESEARCH

This "mini-poster," a two-page slideshow presenting an overview of the project, was presented at the 2023 AISL Awardee Meeting.



Team Members

Deborah Wasserman, Principal Investigator, Center of Science and Industry
Carey Tisdal, Co-Principal Investigator, Tisdal Consulting
Christine (Kit) Klein, Co-Principal Investigator, Insight for Learning Practices
Priya Mohabir, Co-Principal Investigator, New York Hall of Science


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL)
Award Number: 1906396

Related URLs

Roads Taken: A Retrospective Study of Program Strategies and Long-term Impacts of Intensive, Multi-year, STEM Youth Programs


Audience: Evaluators | Learning Researchers | Museum | ISE Professionals | Youth | Teen (up to 17)
Discipline: Education and learning science | General STEM
Resource Type: Conference Proceedings | Research
Environment Type: Afterschool Programs | Museum and Science Center Programs | Public Programs | Summer and Extended Camps