2021 Poster – Bird Cams Lab: Enabling Online, Co-created Investigations

November 8th, 2021 | RESEARCH

This project's goals are to:

  1. Enable participants to contribute to any or all stages of the scientific process and enhance their learning using an online citizen science platform and live bird cams.
  2. Generate new scientific knowledge about wildlife.
  3. Advance the understanding of effective project design for co-created online citizen-science projects at a national scale.

This poster was presented at the 2021 NSF AISL Awardee Meeting.



Team Members

Miyoko Chu, Principal Investigator, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Tina Phillips, Co-Principal Investigator, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
David Bonter, Co-Principal Investigator, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Rachael Mady, Project Staff, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Charles Eldermire, Project Staff, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Benjamin Waters, Project Staff, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Jennifer Borland, Evaluator, Rockman et al
Claire Quimby, Evaluator, Rockman et al
Laura Atwell, Contributor


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL)
Award Number: 1713225

Related URLs

Public Participation in Scientific Research: Designing an Online Collaborative System for Research & Learning Using Live Bird Cams


Audience: Evaluators | General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals | Scientists
Discipline: Ecology | forestry | agriculture | Life science
Resource Type: Conference Proceedings | Reference Materials
Environment Type: Citizen Science Programs | Media and Technology | Public Programs | Websites | Mobile Apps | Online Media