STEM Identity: A Reflective Tool for Educators

January 1st, 2018 | EVALUATION

The materials provided in this guide are intended to introduce educators and program facilitators to concepts related to STEM identity and to help educators practice noticing and responding to the dynamics of STEM identity development in their own programs. These concepts are abstract, and we have accordingly provided a variety of materials to help make them more understandable, practical, and relevant. The tool includes (a) background reading and discussion questions to introduce STEM identity and related concepts; (b) two example scenarios from our research to allow educators to practice recognizing STEM identity work in action; and (c) a structured reflection tool to help educators observe and reflect on STEM identities in their own programs and plan ways to support identity development among their participants.



Team Members

Scott Pattison, Author, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
Ivel Gontan, Author, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
Smirla Ramos-Montañez, Author, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 1322306
Funding Amount: $593,575

Related URLs

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Audience: Educators | Teachers | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Education and learning science
Resource Type: Research and Evaluation Instruments | Research Products
Environment Type: Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Professional Development and Workshops | Public Programs