2017 CAISE Year in ISE Review

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February 14th, 2018

As part of the scope of CAISE activities under the renewed cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, we tasked ourselves with providing the professional community with a report tracking notable publications, events and trends over the year (2017). Intended as a sector-based collection of milestones that had impact on the field, we are grateful to the willing informants we reached out to in each area for the information in the report.

Designed as a PowerPoint deck with additional notes that can be used modularly or as a complete presentation, the goal is to provide information and links for use by educators, communicators, designers, evaluators, researchers and other ISE-interested stakeholders. PowerPoint users will know that links are live when in presentation mode and notes on the slides are viewable when open in PowerPoint. CAISE looks forward to feedback on this resource that we plan to compile in the coming years as well.

View the 2017 Year in ISE here.