Foundational Skills for Science Communication: A Preliminary Framework

August 7th, 2019 | RESEARCH

In order to work towards greater coherence across different training approaches supporting science communication and public engagement efforts, we present a preliminary framework that outlines foundational science communication skills. This framework categorizes different skills and their component parts and includes: identifying and aligning engagement goals; adapting to communication landscape and audience; messaging; language; narrative; design; nonverbal communication; writing style; and providing space for dialogue. Through this framework and associated practical, research, and evaluative literatures, we aim to support the training community to explore more concretely opportunities that bridge research and practice and to collectively discuss core competencies in science communication and public engagement.


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Team Members

Elyse Aurbach, Author, University of Michigan
Katherine Prater, Author, University of Washington
Emily Therese Cloyd, Author, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Laura Lindenfeld, Author, Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science


Identifier Type: doi
Identifier: 10.3998/2027.42/150489

Related URLs

Foundational Skills for Science Communication: A Preliminary Framework


Audience: General Public | Scientists
Discipline: General STEM
Resource Type: Literature Review | Peer-reviewed article | Research Products
Environment Type: Media and Technology | Public Programs