Whales & Glaciers Citizen Science Adventure

January 1st, 1994 - January 1st, 1994 | PROJECT

Gastineau Guiding Company created this exciting tour program to look for ways to foster connections between citizens and science. With the help of two local non-profits, the Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program and the Marine Conservation Alliance Foundation a tour with purpose was born. Our objectives include sampling phytoplankton to identify possible "red tide" outbreaks, contributing photographs to aid in the identification of area humpback whales and mammals, providing baseline data for several researchers throughout the state of Alaska, and contributing to online citizen science databases utilized by researchers around the country. During each summer season cruise line travelers' direct participation and observation can give a little something back, deepening our understanding of local wilderness and wildlife.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Project Products


Team Members

National Great Rivers Research and Education Center, Contributor
Gastineau Guiding Company, Contributor, Gastineau Guiding Company


Audience: General Public
Discipline: Ecology | forestry | agriculture | Geoscience and geography | Life science | Nature of science
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Citizen Science Programs | Public Programs