Discoveries and Breakthroughs Inside Science: Science TV News That Matters

October 10th, 2003 - September 30th, 2008 | PROJECT

Each month, the American Institute of Physics (AIP) will produce twelve, 90-second television news reports that demonstrate the relevance of research to society, including animated descriptions of the underlying science principles. The peer-reviewed reports are offered for sale on an exclusive basis to one station in each of the 211 principal television markets. The service currently has 84 subscribers with the potential to reach approximately 62% of the total US television households. AIP is actively seeking additional stations that will purchase the service. They have plans for the service to become self-sustaining when 170 stations become subscribers. AIP has a working coalition with numerous scientific societies including American Geological Institute, American Mathematical Society, American Meteorological Society, American Society for Mechanical Engineers, and Universities Research Association. The television production staff relies on story ideas provided by the range of scientists represented in these societies as well as from journal articles, university press releases, and other findings from research institutions. Once a treatment is developed for a story, outside science experts are asked to review it for accuracy and to comment on its validity and reliability. A "Know More" web component offers audiences an opportunity to find out more information about a science story.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Team Members

Alicia Torres, Principal Investigator, American Institute of Physics
James Stith, Co-Principal Investigator, American Institute of Physics


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 0307862
Funding Amount: 2348603


Audience: General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: General STEM | Nature of science
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Broadcast Media | Media and Technology