July 18th, 2013
Since 2005, the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net) has been established as a leading network of resources for communicating nanoscale science and engineering to the public through over 100 formal and informal learning institutions, including science centers and universities. A video called “A Mini Lesson: How Small is a Nanometer,” produced by NISE Net and the Museum of Science, Boston, will be included in Pearson Education’s Common Core System of Courses. By being included in this new resource produced by Pearson Education, the video and other NISE Net materials will be accessible to a much wider audience. Watch this video in Spanish. This is not the first time that NISE Net materials have been used or integrated as a part of a wider STEM education program — the Talking Nano 6-DVD Set, produced in association with the NISE Network, the Center for Highrate Nanomanufacturing, and the Harvard Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center — has been included as a curricular resource in Project Lead the Way STEM curriculum for middle and high school students. Nearly 300 NISE Net resources — including evaluation reports and instruments, instructional materials, case studies and project descriptions, exhibitions, educational websites, and more — have been catalogued in the CAISE Informal Commons, which can be found on informalscience.org.