MSPnet Webinar Making Sense Of Measuring Implementation In Educational Research

January 7th, 2015

The Math and Science Partnership Network (MSPnet) Academy will host a free webinar on implementation measurement in educational research. “Implementation measurement” refers to assessing the fidelity of how a particular intervention is enacted, and the contextual factors that affect fidelity. Key issues addressed in the webinar will include:

  1. Definitions, theory and background;
  2. Study design and measurement approaches;
  3. Analysis strategies; and
  4. Differences between implementation studies and other kinds of studies (such as design-based implementation research).


The webinar will also address where implementation measurement fits in with the study types outlined in the National Science Foundation and Deparment of Education publication Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development.

The webinar will take place on February 25 from 2:00 – 3:00 PM ET. Register at the MSPnet Academy site.