Learning Environment: Informal | Formal Connections
Conference: Quantum Learning through Experiential Activities and Practice (Q-LEAP) Workshop
The Quantum Learning through Experiential Activities and Practice (Q-LEAP) workshop will be held on October 29 in Seattle, WA.
WaterMarks Y3 Evaluation Report
This is the evaluation report for the third year of the NSF-funded WaterMarks project. It reflects a current summary of available evidence about the intended outcomes of program activities to date, as well as commentary on overall project progress and planning for the future.
WaterMarks Y3 Evaluation Summary Brief
This summary brief captures highlights from the third year of the NSF-funded WaterMarks project (September 2023 – August 2024).
National Engineering Design Challenge with Orlando Science Center
Partnering with NASA’s Kennedy Space Center Swampworks (KSC), City of Orlando’s Grand Avenue neighborhood community center (City of Orlando), Florida Recreation & Park Association (FRPA), and the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA), Orlando Science Center (OSC) has created a broad partnership with national reach.