Impact of Teen Science Cafes on Scientists

February 20th, 2018 | EVALUATION

A Teen Science CafĂ© is an out-of-school program in which teens and STEM experts engage in conversation and activities to explore a topic related to the STEM professional’s expertise.  Teen Science CafĂ©s are independently run and organized at more than 100 sites nationwide – from museums to libraries to aquariums.  Prior evaluation of the Teen Science CafĂ© model has demonstrated a range of impacts achieved with youth participants, but relatively little research has focused on the experience of the scientist-presenters.

This report presents findings of a sequential mixed-methods study that sought to explore the nature of the motivations and impacts experienced by scientist-presenters and to explore the value of preparation activities provided by CafĂ© organizers (which vary between sites).  Following a Phase 1 qualitative study, using in-depth interviews with past presenters, a quantitative online questionnaire was developed based on the impact themes that emerged in Phase 1, adapting scales and items from other studies of public engagement with science, as well as several measures developed specifically for this project.  The survey was administered to scientists from 14 mature CafĂ© sites, with 132 scientists responding (65% response rate).  This report presents findings about scientists' motivations and perceptions of goal fulfillment, about perceptions of impact (or lack of impact) in various areas, and the value of particular preparation activities offered by Teen Science Cafe sites.



Team Members

Jessica Sickler, Evaluator, J. Sickler Consulting


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 1223830

Related URLs

Creating A Community Of Practice Around A Proven Teen Science Café Model


Audience: Museum | ISE Professionals | Scientists | Youth | Teen (up to 17)
Discipline: General STEM
Resource Type: Evaluation | Evaluation Reports
Environment Type: Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Public Events and Festivals | Public Programs | Resource Centers and Networks