Digital Learning Grant Opportunity for Afterschool

December 7th, 2016

The SCE Foundation will be opening applications for its next Digital Learning Challenge to afterschool providers on January 2, 2017.

SCE believes that in order for the next generation to thrive as individuals, professionals, and citizens in a rapidly changing world, they must become motivated, thoughtful lifelong learners.

They are extremely interested in understanding how organizations define, identify and measure outcomes that cultivate “21st century skill” growth and how to support adults to engage teens in learning using digital tools, while building meaningful relationships. These are big questions; questions that have been explored throughout its partnerships with Common Sense MediaThe Joan Ganz Cooney CenterPowerMyLearning and Gooru, and during MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Media and Learning initiative, HIVE Learning Networks and Remake Learning.

During the next two years, the Challenge will bring together a community of afterschool programs, researchers and evaluators, HR professionals, and digital product developers/distributors to explore what it means to be a prepared and skilled 21st century citizen. The initiative will unpack the practices and programs of top afterschool programs that support teens as they build, produce, and remix media, and how these activities connect to opportunities and obstacles faced beyond the program. These programs can be any size, shape, location or focus. SCE will be studying how the work is done, in differing contexts, with different sets of challenges, and how success was achieved navigating all these factors

SCE aims to analyze and articulate best practices and share what has been learned learned with educators, informal learning practitioners, and others with a vested interest in using these tools in youth service.  Ultimately, the goal is to equip and engage youth in more meaningful learning experiences.

The application process for program partners for the Digital Learning Challenge will open on January 2 and close on January 20. For more information, sign up for the SCE newsletter and Facebook page, where more details will be posted about this initiative in the coming weeks.