CAISE Launches Page To Navigate Research Agendas In ISE

June 18th, 2014

Over the past few years a growing number of projects and organizations have aimed to develop research agendas for different sectors in informal science education. Research agendas—when developed with input from a variety of stakeholders—can help frame the questions and topics that matter most to both practitioners and researchers in the ISE field. Last month, CAISE launched a new page that will collect and share resources related to different ISE research agendas on

On the page, you will find links to search results related to research being conducted in natural history settings, children’s museums, and in giant screen venues. As new agendas develop, their products will be added to this page. CAISE will also be collecting and curating new related resources over the next few months. Contact CAISE if you have been a part of a research agenda project that you would like to be included on the page.